Get ready for the inburgering exam with our free sample A1 speaking

Do you have to sit the Civic Integration Exam Abroad?
As on other exams, most people find the speaking part the most difficult. With our exam prep module Met Vlag en Wimpel Speaking A1,
you’ll get rid of that stress and prepare optimally for this exam section.
With this free download, you’ll get access to a part of the questions from our mock exams.
inburgering exam speaking A1 Prep

Exam questions modeled after the official exams

The exam-style questions, modeled after the format of the official government exams, form the ultimate tool to practice your speaking skills and get ready with confidence. The exam questions and the accompanying answer model provide you with a clear preview of our full Met Vlag en Wimpel Speaking A1 Exam Prep.

Ready for more?

Do you want to get the most out of your preparation? Don’t hesitate to unlock the full Met Vlag en Wimpel Speaking A1 module and gain access to all 4 exams with a total of 96 questions!

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Do you want to get the most out of your preparation? Don’t hesitate to unlock the full Met Vlag en Wimpel Speaking A1 module and gain access to all 4 exams with a total of 96 questions!

Complete the form to access the free demo.

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Upgrade to the full version and unlock all A1 Speaking exams, providing comprehensive practice to prepare you effectively for the Inburgering Exam.

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