What do you receive with this Mega Bundle A0-A2?
With this bundle, you’ll get all the Dutch Ready learning materials for the levels A0 to A2. Each module is designed to help you progress efficiently and independently. This is what’s included:
- E-learning A0-A1 and A1-A2: two structured, interactive, and completely digital courses that teach you essential Dutch grammar and allow you to put it into practice in realistic situations. The combination of grammar and practical lessons is only one of the characteristics that make this e-learning unique. You will complete over 200 exercises in total, spread over 42 grammar lessons and 29 practical lessons.
- Pronunciation module: Dutch pronunciation challenging? Not when you use this module, which we especially designed to make sounds and intonation easier step by step. The module includes numerous listening and speaking exercises, and explanations on pronunciation are illustrated by videos on mouth shape by a speech therapist.
- Praatgraag A0-A1 and A1-A2: Use this collection of more than 80 Dutch dialogues on daily situations, spread over 40 chapters. Learn standard phrases, practice how to improvise with the help of the fill-in options, and expand your vocab with the extensive word list and frequently asked questions + their answers that accompany each chapter.
- Met Vlag en Wimpel A1 and A2: After completing your Dutch self-study course A0-A2, it’s time to put your skills to the test. Use our total of 32 mock exams, that we carefully designed for them to mirror the official government exams, to self-assess your level. The Dutch practice exams on A1 level are a great way to test yourself mid-term, or to prepare for the Civic Integration Exam Abroad. Answer keys plus assessment models are included for each exam.
- Op Avontuur A2: Reading is an essential skill that’s often overlooked. With our Op Avontuur A2 story bundle, containing 30 Dutch stories on daily situations, you’ll sharpen your reading skills and learn more about Dutch culture at the same time. The story bundle includes access to our online Grammar Trainer.
How do I use this Mega Bundle A0-A2 to learn Dutch?
Ready to start learning Dutch? After purchasing this bundle, begin with the A0-A1 collection. Our e-learning is the thread of your Dutch learning journey. We therefore advise you to go through it in the correct order, from beginning to end. With the other modules, you can be as flexible as you like. You can best keep the Met Vlag en Wimpel mock exams for when you complete a level. Need any help or advice? We’re here for you! Feel free to contact us with questions about (using) our teaching materials and more. Good luck with your Dutch self-study course A0-A2!