Met Vlag en Wimpel Reading Bundle – Inburgering Exam Prep

Are you preparing for your Inburgering Exam? Our ‘Met Vlag en Wimpel reading bundle A1-A2’ is the tool to test your skills at both A1 and A2 level. This makes the mock exams useful for those who need to pass the Civic Integration Exam Abroad (basisexamen inburgering buitenland, and those who have to sit the Civic Integration Exam (inburgeringsexamen).

This bundle contains a total of 4 full-length A1 reading exams and 4 full-length A2 reading exams, with a total of 78 assignments and 186 questions. Included are also the answer keys, allowing you to self-assess your performance on each mock exam.

‘Met Vlag en Wimpel reading A1’ and ‘Met Vlag en Wimpel reading A2’ are also available separately.

€64 €45 incl. VAT

Met Vlag En Wimpel Reading A1

Met Vlag En Wimpel Reading A2

Comprehensive exam practice
Everything you need to thoroughly prepare for the reading part of the A1 and A2 inburgering exam.

Immediate feedback on your performance
The included answer key tells you whether or not you would have passed that specific exam, were it an official one.

Practice in intervals
The multi-exam format allows you to review and improve your reading skills after each exam.

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Working towards an inburgering exam? Test your reading skills
Are you from outside the EU and do you have to pass the Civic Integration Exam Abroad in order to apply for a visa (provisional residence permit) in the Netherlands? Or do you have to sit the inburgeringsexamen (Civic Integration Exam)* to get a Dutch residence permit or to apply for Dutch citizenship? This bundle of Dutch A1-A2 Reading Exams will help you optimally prepare.

*Carefully check under which law you fall and if you have to take the Dutch integration exams at A2 level or B1 level.

Our Met Vlag en Wimpel mock exams reading closely mirror the format and topics used in the official government exams. This bundle contains:

    • 4 full-length A1 reading exams, with a total of 36 assignments and 86 accompanying questions.
    • 4 full-length A2 reading exams, with a total of 42 assignments and 100 accompanying questions.


Mock exams including answer key
After each exam, you can assess yourself using the answer key, and find out if you would have passed the exam were it an official one. Discover areas for improvement, further polish your reading skills and then take the next exam. For the best results, we recommend that you allow time between your mock exams to analyze and polish your skills. Furthermore, taking exams straight after each other can be mentally exhausting, which in turn negatively affects your concentration and performance.

By testing your reading proficiency and familiarizing yourself with our Dutch A1-A2 Reading Exams, you’ll boost your readiness as well as your confidence. Wish to focus on one specific level instead? Met Vlag en Wimpel reading A1 and Met Vlag en Wimpel reading A2 are also sold separately.

Comprehensive exam preparation
8 mock exams for 8 different testing moments.

Download your exams immediately after purchase and use them on any device you prefer.

Completely CEFR aligned
Test your reading skills at A1 and A2 level according to the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR).

Not sure yet?

Explore Our Free Versions!

Explore 4 reading texts from the first exams to see the quality and effectiveness of our Dutch learning resources before committing.

Explore 4 reading texts from the first exams to see the quality and effectiveness of our Dutch learning resources before committing.